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Saturday, April 25, 2009

My little sunshine

I am not going to turn this into one of those parenting blogs - the ones where you learn that Anna decided that she hates peas today. While her shaking her head emphatically at me each time I tried to approach her with peas cracks me up, I understand that for most readers it would not.

I post the picture to the blog and I write about the little one because she has been a bit all-consuming lately, and it's lovely to be consumed with love. This picture epitomizes her view on the world - she is just happy. She is glad to be anywhere and she loves everyone, and if you do anything remotely entertaining she will give you the biggest grin possible. She doesn't know a stranger and she is interested in everything and everyone. My new goal is to approach life with the same openness and loving heart as my seven month old. May she hold onto this view of life as long as humanly possible.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I wish you all the best. And if you get to that world view, please show the rest of us the way.